(631) 755-1100


Financial Planning

Wealth Management


Retirement Planning

Group Employee Benefits

EmployeR Sponsored Plans

At Beacon ICG, we’ll help you to understand your options

From stocks to annuities to bonds, the world of investments offers a variety of paths for pursuing your financial goals. Our Beacon ICG team is here to assist you in clarifying your goals and finding thoughtful investment planning strategies & solutions to help you pursue them.

Working with an advisor allows you to benefit from the research and financial experience available as you begin or continue your investment journey.

investment planning strategies beacon icg

Choosing An Appropriate Investment Approach For You

Your advisor will help you define your desired level of risk and your long-term goals.

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You’ll also explore the rates of return you might expect with different approaches and when it may make sense to revisit or adjust your investment portfolio. The insight offered by your advisor can guide you to a greater understanding of your investments and greater confidence in how they’re working for you.
investment planning portfolios beacon icg

An Investment Portfolio That Evolves With You

Another consideration for most investors is the maintenance of their investment portfolio.

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Investors often worry that what works now may not be the best fit in the future. If you’ve ever worried about the future of your investment portfolio or whether a past investments or products still makes sense for you, we can help.

At Beacon ICG, we recognize that investment isn’t a one-and-done activity. It’s not as though you’ll look at your portfolio today and then again in twenty years. You’ll need investments that can grow with you and evolve in light of the economic, investment and political backdrop – making changes as you move forward. So, our advisors will work with you to design, utilize and refine an investment plan that works for you now and in the future. And we’ll be by your side to assist with changes along the way.

Our team of professionals prides itself on constantly developing our understanding of available strategies and products so that we can share that insight with you. The result is an investment experience that’s personal, professional, and impactful.

investment planning with confidence beacon icg

Beacon ICG Brings Clarity and Confidence To Your Investments

Whether you’re ready to give your portfolio a refresh or you’re seeking a professional to begin your wealth management journey, our team is here to help. Contact us today to get started.


(631) 755-1100

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1895 Walt Whitman Rd # 4,
Melville, NY 11747

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